Friday 5 June 2015

A round-up of interviews and appearances

Unfortunately, I'm seriously lazy when it comes to self-promotion, and I don't tend to announce when I've done an interview with, say, The Young Turks, or on a given radio show. I thought it would be useful to make a post linking the many interviews and appearances I've done over the last year or two that are posted in places other than my channel.

I might not get them all, but hopefully I can remember most of them.

Spring of 2014, Edmonton AB:

Libertarian Party of Wisconsin annual convention (sorry about the sound quality):

My appearances at the Free State Project's Liberty Forum (New Hampshire):

My interview on Free Talk Live Radio at the New Hampshire Liberty forum (segment begins at 43 minutes):

Discussion of men, women, feminism and marriage on Unlock the Door Radio:

Interview with Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks:

Interview with David Pakman:

KSUM (ZenMen) Men in Peril conference:

CAFE events:

Interview with Tommy Sotomayor:

Accent Overlords podcast:

Veemonro (Vee) podcast:

Talks with Stardusk (Thinking Ape TV):

Anyway, that's all I can think of for now. Just wanted to post a round-up of different stuff I've done that people might not be aware of.

Hugs, all.