Friday 30 October 2015

My summary of the Thunderf00t vs Laughing Witch controversy

So as many a YouTube denizen will know, there’s been yet another insane dust-up in the internet atheist community.

The central characters are YouTube science vlogger and atheist/skeptic juggernaut, Dr. Phil Mason, AKA Thunderf00t, and four relative pipsqueaks of hyper feminist bent going by the names Jenny McDermot, Laughing Witch, Hannibal the Victor 13 and Bewildered Ape.

As well as making videos on the wonders of science and his love of research, Dr. Mason has a longstanding habit of debunking bullshit, from creationism to Solar Freaking Roadways. His videos have attracted a massive following of ardent fans, with his channel boasting over 400k subscribers, and some 95 million video views. During the Atheism+ fiasco that split the community a few years back, he began taking a closer look at certain brands of feminism, and, well, he spotted bullshit.

Feminist icon and professional victim Anita Sarkeesian has become a perennial favorite target of his to take the piss out of. Her videos and public behavior are loaded with bullshit, and there’s significant overlap between fans of his skeptic videos and the saner elements of the gaming community, who’ve been undergoing a similar social justice onslaught to the one the atheist community is still struggling with, an onslaught spearheaded by Sarkeesian. Mason’s videos on Sarkeesian and other popular internet feminists are some of the most viewed on his channel.

Enter our four intrepid feminist dunces. They were not at all pleased at Mason’s targeting of Sarkeesian, arguing that his videos were largely responsible for the “waves” and “barrages” of harassment and hate the poor dear receives. After all, the mere act of criticizing Sarkeesian or her ideas acts as a literal call to action for one’s loyal evil minions to embark on campaigns of sustained abuse. Of course, the takeaway message from this would necessarily be that no criticism of her ideas should be allowed at all.

At first, their antics involved mild pokes at him in the form of videos spreading lies and misrepresentations of his positions. Next, Bewildered Ape, the only member of this “not exactly fantastic four” to have never shown his face, took it into his head to write Mason’s employer in hope of getting him fired. 

The accusation? Holocaust apologism and nazi sympathizing. For Mason, who lives and works in the Czech Republic, this was a bit of a problem, as like many European countries, the Czech Republic considers this type of speech to be a criminal offence. 

Of course, nothing came of it. Dr. Mason was not fired, as his employers apparently have IQs at least equivalent to that of Forrest Gump, possibly higher. Indeed, Mason made a video roundly scolding the Ape for such underhanded tactics, and indicating on no uncertain terms that further attempts would in no way jeopardize his employment nor his good standing in his field. You know, because they’re not retards. He also reminded Bewildered Ape that fraudulently making such allegations is a crime, and that taking internet disagreements and differences of opinion into meatspace sets a dangerous precedent that could potentially backfire.

Bewildered Ape shot back that his actions were “performance art”. I’m not joking. And the not so fantastic four retreated back to bitching and moaning on their mostly empty channels to people at least as crazy and intellectually challenged as they are. Hannibal the Victor uploaded a particularly lovely rant wherein he threatened Dr. Mason with physical harm and swore that it was now his life’s mission to utterly destroy him.

And then just this month, these feminist crusaders blatantly and publicly organized a letter writing campaign similar to the Ape’s erstwhile self-described performance art. 

This time, the letters were sent not only to Mason’s employer, but to the local police and various news outlets.

One has to wonder what kind of moral certitude is required for four gnats such as these to pit themselves against a goliath when they were well aware he had 400 times as many minions as they did, and when they seemed to genuinely believe Mason’s minions are capable of sinking to any level of depravity and atrocity.

If there was an award for self-destructive, deluded ideologue of the year, Laughing Witch put herself in the running. Over the course of several videos on her since-deleted channel, she was observed to have boasted that as a “boss” within a small business her husband owns, she’s untouchable. She can’t be fired. She was observed to have boasted, providing video evidence, that her email to Mason’s employer, the police and the media, was written under her real name. 

In other words, believing herself immune to the type of attack she was about to launch against a superior power, she doxxed herself. 

And in a follow up video, believing he’d been fired from his job, she gloated and celebrated it as a victory.

Mason’s response, on October 20th, was more circumspect than it might have been. In a video response to the campaign, he informed her that he had not been fired, and showed clips of her own videos that demonstrated her megalomaniacal levels of hubris, including the one in which she generously gave the internet all the information it needed to attack her—her real name. He also questioned the ethics of a woman who gives glowing online reviews to a company she co-owns and helps operate and negative reviews of other companies. And he warned her that her delusions of immunity were just that: delusional.

Oh the morbid deliciousness of it all. He deliberately and unerringly gave the internet everything it needed to detest her even more than it already did, and everything it required to exact revenge. And in a masterful demonstration of cynically preserving the moral high ground, he demanded a grovelling apology from her—not to him, but to the internet in general, which is populated by people who work in coffee shops and PR firms and insurance companies and software firms, and whose jobs are not as resilient to such attacks as his own.

Mean? Certainly. Intentional? Oh yes. But I have a hard time pitying Laughing Witch. 

Within hours of Mason’s video going up, Laughing Witch’s business’s Yelp page began to be flooded with bogus one-star reviews. Most were obviously fake, my personal favorite being, “I hired these guys to renovate my bathroom, and all they did was paint swastikas everywhere.” I’m not sure if Laughing Witch realizes what a courtesy that is—reviews that are obviously fake are easy to spot and remove, making the damage to a company temporary rather than permanent. They’re also easier for potential customers to spot and dismiss as pranks. 

Laughing Witch then deleted her channel, hoping to minimize the damage.

On the 24th of this month, Laughing Witch’s husband quietly uploaded a video to their business’s channel, narrated by him, and describing the situation in the most Sarkeesianesque terms. I shall paraphrase it thusly:

"My wife 'stumbled across' Thunderf00t, and [something something vague something that's not her fault because she dindu nothin other than just be a feminist online] and now there are dozens of misogynistic trolls posting 1-star reviews of our company on Yelp just because my wife 'stumbled across' this hateful evil guy and he decided to attack her for no good reason. Also, I was disabled in a work accident years ago, and the recession, and here's a picture of my dog with a sad face... My wife didn't do anything to provoke this, other than find herself in the evil Thunderf00t's line of sight. Please send us innocent victims your money, or these 14 employees will go hungry, because my wife came across Satan and Dick Cheney’s love child online and even though she was nothing but friendly to him he decided to destroy her life.”

They linked this video to an indiegogo fundraiser asking for 25,000 dollars to help them weather the damage that was incurred by this completely unprovoked and unjustified attack that was a result of Laughing Witch falling afoul of Thunderf00t for no reason whatsoever and by no action of her own. They have so far raised a little over $2000.

The next day, Laughing Witch created a new channel for the sole purpose of uploading the apology TF had demanded. She said she was sorry, and I believe she was. But not because she believed what she had done was wrong, or because she felt bad for the harm she might have caused TF (3 to 5 years in prison, if someone in power took her allegations seriously), but because the blowback from her actions had hurt her husband’s business and other people she cared about. There’s a huge difference between, “I wish I hadn’t done that because it could have hurt someone” and “I wish I hadn’t done that because it backfired and hurt me.”

Of course, the sincerity of this apology is undermined by the fundraiser video, in which Mason is described as “evil” and Laughing Witch as an innocent victim who just happened to stumble into his view. As one commenter on the debacle said, “it’s hard to trust the honesty of someone who’s waving a white flag when they’re still shooting at you…”

Since then, notoriously neutral and fair YouTube skeptic Agent of Doubt has revealed that a court judgment was levied a few months ago against LW’s company by a bank to the tune of about $25,000—what a coincidence! An update was quickly posted on the fundraiser’s page indicating that the company was already in trouble, and had filed for bankruptcy protection before any of this debacle started. Another update indicates that Laughing Witch and her husband have contacted their state senators and the FBI in hope of criminally prosecuting…….someone. 

Of course, Laughing Witch is not the only massive casualty in this debacle. The denizens of chan-life reportedly released Hannibal the Victor’s real name along with that of Jenny McDermot, and certain individuals intent on proving once and for all that no, Hannibal was not actually studying anthropology at an accredited institution of higher education, stumbled upon the uncomfortable news that he’s a sex offender fresh off the the registry, convicted by way of a police sting operation of attempting to procure a sex act from a minor. When his dox dropped in chanland, he deleted his channel and hasn’t been directly heard from since. 

Meanwhile, during the heat of the confrontation, Jenny Mcdermot, so outraged at the completely unprovoked attack on Laughing Witch who had done absolutely nothing wrong whatsoever, uploaded a video wherein she publicly engaged in criminal extortion, demanding that Mason somehow, someway, call off every single one of his 400k subscribers he doesn’t know from Adam, and anyone else who might be involved in the “cyber attack”, or else she’ll send letters portraying him as a nazi to pretty much every media outlet that has ever given Anita Sarkeesian any screentime. As an added twist, she then set conditions even more outside of his control—if her video got more than X upvotes or Y downvotes, she’d send the letters regardless of what he did or didn’t do. 

Oh the drama. Oh the stupidity. Oh the human carnage. 

It’s looking like the only member of the less than fantastic four who might emerge from this dust-up unscathed is Bewildered Ape, that master of performance art, who has never shown his face to the public.


  1. Wow.
    Thank you for summarizing, GirlWritesWhat.
    And, my solute to ThunderF00t for such an epic, dignified win against such scary, pathetic characters.

  2. This.........All you need to know of the drama.

  3. To be fair, it needs to be noted that, like so many feminists who make assertions, reveal information to their followers, then sit back and watch, thunderfoot didn't actually tell people what to do... He gets to benefit from exactly the same level of plausible deniability as people like PZ Mayers, Watson, and many others.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Since she posts bogus, fraudulent 5 star reviews of her own business and services then I'm not in the least bit bothered that people have made fake 1 star reviews.

  4. Wait a minute? Only gamers and MRAs dox and attack people's livelihood, right?

    WTF is wrong with these people? Oh, they're blinded by a need to be agreed with, or they get sad and then are malicious in their attack.

  5. Little mean people that are obviously power hungry but were never big enough to be bullies.
    They entered a no flex zone and flexed their small pathetically flabby muscles. They should have known better.

  6. I had heard about all of this nonsense in bits and pieces from Thunderfoot's channel, but this is the first time I've seen everything written out. Concise analysis, and thank you for writing this.

  7. "After all, the mere act of criticizing Sarkeesian or her ideas acts as a literal call to action for one’s loyal evil minions to embark on campaigns of sustained abuse." One reason they think this is precisely because for them, the mere act of criticizing anyone is in fact a call to embark on a campaign of abuse.

  8. Thank you for a brilliant summary Karen. You are awesome. x.

  9. Thank you much for this summary. I was curious as to what was going on, but I can't stand Thunderf00t for more than a few minutes at a time, despite the fact that we're usually on the same side. Still, I'm glad that he won against his harassers.

  10. Thumbs up to you. Well written and well described. You are really very amazing. Anybody is in problem of infertility, can get assisstance from the Best IVF doctor in Chandigarh.

  11. Thought you might like to know that Bewildered Ape has been doxed - I won't say where but you can probably guess.

  12. This whole situation is like Open Mic Night - sometimes, you get incredible talent, like, "wow, that guy is gonna change the world!" But most of the time, you get the complete lunatics, like "this mic is attached to a speaker, and EVERYONE HAS TO HEAR ABOUT THE IMPENDING INVASION FROM SPACE!" and there's not much anyone can do but try and muddle through it to get back to the talent.

    "I support my wife", he says. Well, your wife is a moron who ruined you.

  13. i witnessed the whole thing from start to finish, and this the the most accurate depiction ive read.

  14. Took me a moment to stop laughing at that fake Yelp review.


  16. Hi Karen; I'd like to invite you to record a conversation for my podcast: Don't worry, I am friendly. You can hear a talk with Holly Grigg Spall there to get some idea: (2 parts)


  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. karen straughan plzz help help me plzz plzz .i love you .
    injustice happen to me all time plzz plzz help me .my case they want to made me to cry and after that they will start sevear torture me seriously they may want to burn me alive that why i dont want to tell you in public social plzz help me plzz help me .i have endure a lot of pain inside my body with lot of cry and lot of emotions to since three years ago today it can lead me want to die without pain anymore want get help anyways plzz reply me plzz plzz .i have and ideas in other religion they tell in our body have soul so in that case i want to leave my body without any pain of dead too .if you really want to hear it in private .i dont know it is very very painfull history of life too and very painfull it for me it an agony pain without justice .but now i want justice can i get with your grace with all your group too plzz reply me plzz reply me .for me it a woman and her group has do injustice with me and that was very painfull for me and even she want me after that regret my whole life too .but for me it sorry for her i wont let her to do all her bad thing to me .plzz plzz help me help me .

  19. it has a woman and a men too in my case too ... that it but i love truely older girls why she is more like a mother to me and very all things to me that it has rest in my life

  20. karen straughan are you a real person or someone has fabricate you or created you or you are really a real personne. plzz reply me plzz .

    1. This is some of the most incomprehensible nonsense I have ever stumbled across. You aren't just an idiot; you're an exceptional idiot, and frankly, you should not be so quick express yourself in public.

  21. Women claim that they take on more debt than men because they earn less pay for the same work as men. Well, for a start, women don’t work in jobs that pay more; they work in jobs where women are paid less because nobody wants to pay more: clerical services, healthcare, and education, for example. 63% of women 18-34 carry some credit card debt, but only 36% of men; 66% of women 55-64 carry credit-card debt, but only 33% of men do. In short, women of working age carry >60% of personal debt but only <35% of the men. To be brief, women carry more half the personal debt in our country. Women, thus, have twice as much incentive to marry for money as men do. Why would males want to married?
    Data Source: USBC 2015

  22. Thanks for sharing your summary of the Thunderf00t . Really awesome Blog.

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  27. Manchester United forward Cristiano Ronaldo has admitted he and his team-mates have had to endure a difficult time following last week's humiliating defeat to Liverpool. As reported by Manchester Evening News.

    The 36-year-old scored พนันกีฬาฟุตบอล one goal and one assist as the Red Devils defeated Tottenham Hotspur 3-0 in the Premier League on Saturday. which is a return of good form by the Reds, the main rivals have attacked the house earlier

  28. Paris Saint-Germain The billionaire club of the French Ligue 1 may find a way to make a deal with famous สล็อตแตกง่าย defender Sergio Ramos. About the termination of the contract, as reported by Le Parisien, the leading media of the perfume country.

  29. Lukaku has an ankle problem with Werner suffering a hamstring injury. and they are on a break to heal their injuries. Which is expected to return to help the agency after the international break, although "Sing the Blues" do not have both attacking lines, but they have no problem with scoring, especially Reece James รูเล็ตออนไลน์
    and Ben Chilve. L, two wing-backs who show their form hotly. Plus, the duo have scored a total of 6 goals in the last 4 league games.

  30. One of the things Spurs fans have been proud of their team over the past several seasons is the fact that the team's attacking powers are so striking that they can lead a bunch of เว็บการพนันออนไลน์ goals. That's due to the fact that they have a number of great attacking lines, such as Harry Kane and Son Heung-min, among others.

  31. Following Nuno's sacking, there were speculations that Antonio Conte was the new manager Spurs were about to pull in, and fans would be very happy if that did happen. Redknapp told Sky Sports.

    “Everyone knows คาสิโนBETONE that Conte is a world-class football manager. He's second to none. Born to be a true winner And it has proven many successes with Juventus, Chelsea, Inter Milan.”

  32. deal with him. Anfield, however, Dortmund sporting director Sebastian Kehl recently said he was not too ล็อตโต้-vip interested in the rumours: "He is a Borussia player. Dortmund Jude Bellingham has attracted interest from many teams, not only Liverpool, but he has no release clause. He loves and enjoys playing here. There are no signs that he will leave

  33. Atalanta coach Gianpiero Gasperini has said he believes Manchester United are only in a form of building, unlike Liverpool and Liverpool. Manchester City, who are considered to be การพนันออนไลน์ at their peak when they used to duel with 2 teams that Gasperini There is a queue to lead the team against Manchester United in the UEFA Champions League group stage for the second time.

  34. sports media set Italian media say Antonio Conte would like six players to strengthen his position at Spurs, five of whom have been locked. The rest will be centre-backs from the three เว็บพนันออนไลน์ available options, with Antonio Conte going to need six players if he becomes Tottenham Hotspur's new manager, according to reports. of sports media set Italian media

  35. This big match comes to follow that Cristiano Ronaldo and his Red Devils friends. Will be able to leverage the work to collect points to return to the path พนันบอลออนไลน์
    of the championship and to break the fierce form of the adversary. Who is the protagonist with a club record fee of 100 million pounds, such as Jack Grealish and many other superstars overflowing the team or not? Manchester City must be on fire. with a battle of dignity that neither side wants to be defeated

  36. Manchester United manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer is set to lead his team at the top of the game against Atalanta in the UEFA Champions League group F on Tuesday, November 2. Red Devils" just called morale back to the team again. After showing great form in the match invaded Tottenham Hotspur comfortable horseshoes on Saturday past. Causing the pressure situation of "Aunt Candy" to relax a lot, however, in the away game Atalanta, they do เว็บพนันออนไลน์
    not underestimate because if they lose to a team from the city of Bergamo. There is a chance to fall into 3rd place in the group and have to be stressed in the final match against Young Boys

  37. block the defensive line. Talanta helped clear it out in time. In the 56th minute, the home team's fans were happy again, overtaking a 2-1 lead from the long ball on the left, คาสิโนสด leaving Duvan Zapata to overcome the offside trap, overtaking Harry Max. Quire slipped into the penalty area before lifting with the left, split in front of David de Gea Tungnet, the referee waiting for a check from the VAR room for a long time,

  38. The former Real Madrid defender has been injured again. and during his absence Their defense was like a broken dam.

    Although it has not yet been determined when Rafael Varane will return. But at least he is unlikely to be ready for the Manchester derby in the next few days for sure.

    Leicester scored คาสิโนยูฟ่าเบ็ท four goals, Liverpool five more in United without Varane - let's just guess what City can do.

  39. As a result, Lewandowski became the first player since November 2013 to score, assist. And failed to score a penalty in the same match in a Champions League คาสิโนออนไลน์เว็บตรง ​game, the last person before him to do so was Diego Costa, who did it while playing for Atletico Madrid in the match. with Austria Vienn

  40. Playing in the 100th game doesn't mean that people In fact, Lewandowski is only the sixth player in history to be เว็บคาสิโนอันดับ1 named on the scoreboard on the day of their Champions League game. own 100, with the previous five being Thierry Henry, Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Cristiano Ronaldo, Andrea Pirlo and Tony Kroos

  41. It was a huge celebration of the 100th UEFA Champions League game for Bayern Munich striker Robert เว็บคาสิโนออนไลน์
    Lewandowski. German Sliga after scoring a hat-trick to help the club open the home Allianz Arena beat Benfica 5-2 on Tuesday, November 2.

  42. Manchester United were two rounds behind but were leveled thanks to Cristiano Ronaldo's goals in stoppage time both in the first and second half. In the second half, their defensive game did not look as good เครดิตฟรีไม่ต้องฝาก
    as it should be. Which many see it because the French defender Raphael Varane was substituted from the 38th minute due to the fact that he appeared to have an injury.

  43. program is down. Two more kicks followed, with 12 points out of four matches, seven points behind second-placed Porto, while Atletico Madrid are third with four points, while AC Milan hold เว็บไซต์ พนันออนไลน์
    just a point. single But still not losing hope for the finals as a group runner-up team Liverpool squad (4-3-3): Alisson Becker - Trent Alexander-Arnold (Nathaniel Phillips) 90+4), Joel Matip, Virgil van Dijk, Costas Simikas

  44. Cristiano Ronaldo has returned to Manchester United after leaving 12 years ago, helping the team score many important goals.
    As Gian Piero Gasperini puts it, พนันสล็อต he is one of the sharpest strikers of his generation. And more than half of his shots on target often end up in the bottom of the net.

  45. Barcelona are ready to accept offers from Newcastle United in case they want to sign Brazilian midfielder Philippe สล็อตออนไลน์ฟรี
    Coutinho. Report of Sport, the famous sports media of the Catalunya region.

  46. However, on race day, it turned out that Maguire had a real name. But it wasn't very good for Manchester United as they lost 2-4 to Leicester and in the following games เว็บคาสิโน Maguire's overall performance was not so impressive that it made Many said he was the cause of many goals the team lost.

  47. Japan national team With a queue to make the World Cup 2022 qualifying round, Asian zone, the third round (the last 12 teams) during November 64, the number of 2 matches, with the team's situation still not fighting very well. The game has only collected 6 เกมคาสิโน points, ranks 3rd in Group B, where two games in November 64 are important for the chance to go to the World Cup final.

  48. According to The Telegraph, when Harry Maguire was playing against Leicester, he was actually not fit to play in the field. With still having to take a break for another 7-10 days together, during which Maguire has been heavily blamed for causing the team to lose many goals Harry Maguire, the captain of the Manchester team Lester United had to play in the English Premier League match that the club lost 2-4 to Leicester City on October 16, ไพ่แบล็คแจ็คออนไลน์
    although doctors estimate that he will need another 7-10 days to recover from the condition. Fit for playing, according to The Telegraph, the city's elite media.

  49. Harry Kane. Repeatedly poked the ball to hit the ball, Jacob Rasmussen, the visiting team's defensive line, past the สล็อตออนไลน์ goal line, the chicken army led 3-0. Sondre Tronstad slammed the ball for almost 25 yards and was hit by Hugo Lloris. round off But the next shot, the corner kick, Jacob Rasmussen defended the header, pressed into the

  50. The home team took the lead in the fourth minute, before the visitors scored two goals from Said Benrahma's contract in the 59th and 82nd minutes, but Genk equalized in the final three minutes from Tomas Soucek's own goal, when Benrahma opened the คาสิโน scoring for West Ham, the visiting supporters from England were celebrating as usual. But something unexpected happened when one of the supporters cut an inch during the celebration. As a result, other fans Quickly inform the field staff to come and help heal the broken finger.

  51. Manchester United legend Michael Silvest has defended the current Red Devils captain, Harry Maguire, who has been heavily criticized for his poor form that led to a series of defeats to his opponents. this season
    “This season has คาสิโนสด been a very difficult year for Maguire as he has just returned from injury and faced a poor overall form of the team. Ultimately, it has had a devastating effect on our confidence that it has made many mistakes,” Nam Dupa told MyBettingSites.

  52. Luis Suarez has said he will award his own Ballon d'Or to Robert Lewandowski if the other side don't win this year after Lewan. Dowski has always had the best performance, the legendary Spanish star Luis Suarez. Revealed that they will raise the Ballon เว็บคาสิโนยอดนิยม
    d'Or award that they have been given to Robert Lewandowski, a talented striker of Bayern Munich, if the Polish footballer is not. this year's award

  53. A West Ham United fan suffered a torn finger on the pitch during their UEFA Europa League Group H เกมสล็อต draw with Belgian side Genk 2. 2 On Thursday, November 4, the hosts took the lead in the fourth minute before the visitors netted two goals from Said Benrahma in 59 and 82 minutes.

  54. While coach Didier Deschamps, "Chicken Badge", despite leading the team to the Nations League title, with a disappointing performance at Euro เกมคาสิโน
    2020, where they were eliminated from the last 16 by foot. of Switzerland was also in a stressful situation.

  55. However, the "Red Devils" are unbeaten in their last four league games against City, winning three times and สล็อตออนไลน์เว็บตรง
    sharing one point, their longest unbeaten run since their neighbors. Never lost 6 games in a row between 2008 and 2011.

  56. "(Legend Manchester United manager Sir Alex) Ferguson ordered the training to be stopped immediately. And everyone came up to me, คาสิโนสด Wayne Rooney said, - You're crazy! He might die from falling with that move. But I said -Next time he'll apologize!- Then Gary came into the dressing room and said, -What, are you crazy?!- But I said the same thing. -Gary, your face must excuse me-"

  57. forward Mikhail Antonio was involved in 17 direct goals in his last 22 Premier League appearances when playing at the คาสิโนauto London Stadium (11 goals, 6 assists), he was also a goalscorer and assist at the London Stadium. This field is the most with 19 and 12 times respectively. It is also one of the players currently playing to record

  58. Manchester United forward Edison Cavani has announced he wants to take part in the Manchester derby against Manchester City on Saturday, according to reports. คาสิโนยูฟ่าเบท Manchester Evening News
    The Uruguay national team striker just scored 1 goal in the game that the Red Devils defeated Tottenham last week. And they will have a major battle against Pep Guardiola's squad this weekend.

  59. Over the years, many have cited Manchester City's team condition, style of play and overall performance far superior to their city rivals. Especially since Guardiola took over the reins of Manchester City in 2016, Manchester United has always performed particularly คาสิโนออนไลน์เครดิตฟรี
    well in Manchester derby matches. Especially the last four league games in which Manchester United have won 3 times, while the other one ended in a draw, and both teams have a duel on Saturday, November 6.

  60. Fans of "Red Army" are relieved when they know the statistics when Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, the beloved boss, made the team face Pep Guardiola when "Aunt Ole" won over the pedigree เกมสล็อตออนไลน์ coach. Bull is fierce to 4 out of 8 games that meet in all competitions. Send him to be the manager with the highest win rate, the boss "Sailboat" in at least 5 meetings (50%).

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Commenting policy:

All comments are welcome here. I refuse to censor points of view that differ from my own.

I recognize that I may be challenging the deep-seated beliefs of some people, and perhaps stirring up emotions in others. However, I would ask:

- if you care to respond to anything that I have said, please do not simply link to or quote some statistic. Do not simply regurgitate things you have been told are true. Think about what I am saying. Respond with an argument. Offer something from your personal observations, and explain to me how you feel your statistic is connected to your experience.

- If you wish to be part of a discussion, try not to dismiss what I or a another commenter says out of hand. Yes, that means that some lines of thought or ideologies may not stand up to scrutiny (perhaps even my own).

- Remember, ad hominem attacks diminish everyone involved. If you want to criticize anything, do so passionately and directly - but debate is about attacking ideas, not people.

Have at you!